Monday, May 1, 2017

ch 8

jack is really trying to ruin my life, he has argued with me again and we have separated into two tribes. I like my tribe better because the leader is me. personally I don't think that jack knows how to lead a tribe he only knows how to lead a tribe of choir boys.

I really don't like this new jack that we have been seeing all after he killed the pig. so in my opinion of jack never killed the pig then I think that he would be the same. I'm upset with him now from this point and on I don't think that we will get along. I have a sense on what might happen next but I'm not quite sure yet because you know with jack being a new leader anything can happen.
If I had to say how I felt about this, well I wouldn't really be able to say anything good about all of this. I think that jack is jealous of the way I do things and I think that he thinks life is a game. he doesn't see that we really have to survive like this isn't a video game or choir rehearsal
. we don't get to go home unless we are rescued but its not clear to jack all he wants to do is kill pigs and be ho he wants to be, not survive.

final draft

I couldn't believe the way jack was acting on the island. so I had to separate myself from him. well I'm having a good time by my self, because no one was there to say anything to me. You know the crazy thing though is that I don't really think that were going home. I mean yes I know I haven't been home in a long time so I might not be able to recognize it but I'm telling you that this doesn't look good. While I was on the ship we saw another ship heading our was but instead of avoiding it we slowed down. when we came to a stop the boats were side to side. On the other boat you could see other children but they looked like they were dressed up in choir clothes.

It was really weird but in  few seconds jack had came out from the bottom of the boat and he ran across the plank and hugged this man. I was thinking that maybe they were related and you know jack and the man came onto our ship and were talking to the captain.

I was listening by the door and I could hear them talking about there home and how things were before the plane crash. then I heard him call the man his dad, and I was confused. I really didn't expect that to happen but it did. so while they were talking I went back downstairs and talked to the boys saying that jack was going to leave them, they weren't to happy because jack had told them if he gets rescued they would go with him. they knew form that point on that jack had lied to them. We all came up with a plan, our plan was to capture jack and tie him up. Then we could draw a lot of attention to his dad and the men and after that we could sail away with the other boat. We stuck with our plan and it worked we scared his dad and he ran to his son, we got on the ship and we sailed away happily ever after. I also got my tribe back.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Ch. 12

Today was good and bad, well first it was bad because they all came to hunt me and kill me. I was to smart to die so I was hiding the whole time. I was listening to them torture the other people. There were a couple of people who was trying to hide with me but it was to small so I had to kick them out.

I was trying to escape but it was hard to escape because of them... so what I did was I fought my way out of the situation and luckily I got saved because when I was running on the beach I ran into a guard. He was from a boat.

He told me that he came only because he saw that fire in the jungle and wanted to see if anyone was on the island. when I saw him I started to cry because I was so happy that we were getting out of here. I couldn't believe it, so we went with him.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Ch. 11

I am so upset right now. Jack is doing some horrible things to everyone just for them to be in his tribe. Sam-n-Eric were took by Jack and they are tied up but you know me I was trying t o save them by telling jack that this isn't right. Jack didn't listen to me at all so what he did was pick a fight with me and I wasn't happy about that.

Poor little piggy was just trying to stop everything but it didn't work like that, so as piggy was trying to help the bolder was coming down at us and I moved out the way. Piggy wasn't paying attention and he was struck by this bolder. Piggy was dead after he fell off of the mountain. Then Jack through a spear at me and everyone else started to through spears at me. i escaped right away.

Ouuuu I'm so mad at Jack for doing this, he has gone out of his way and did the unthinking able. there really isn't anything to stop him so for now maybe next i could act like i want to be in his tribe and try to take over again. maybe I should be myself because with out anyone and then take care of myself. We can take over the world. Just kidding still upset though.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Ch. 10

Today wasn't a good day for me at all. Everyone has traded me to go with jack's camp. ITS BEEN TO MUCH FOR ME, Simon was killed by our own people. I mean Simon was off on the mountain trying to figure out what was going on with the beast. well as we know that he could be the beast but I think that he was coming to tell us that the beast was something else, and I only think this because of the way he ran out of the woods. when he ran out of the woods we all jump on him and started to beat him and kill him slowly.

While this was happening I was relieved because of me thinking that the beast was getting killed. then when I really knew who it was I felt really bad, really bad. I cant do anything about it anymore which makes me mad. now that jack has the power of our men I'm now sure if we will survive or not. that was his goal and he got it.  I'm a little disappointed in everyone because of there betrayal, but what you going to do about it.

 I'm not sure what will happen next anymore I can just hope that everyone stays safe and no one gets hurt but t the same time I want them to get hurt because they betrayed me. then when you think about it its not there fault for what has happened there just thinking that he's the leader now so we follow him to survive. I'm thinking that I might kill Simon next. WHO KNOW'S

Monday, April 24, 2017

Ch 9

Today was a mistake on what has happened to Simon. as you know Simon was killed well as I know. I'm pretty sure that it was an accident, they didn't know who he was at first and he has just walked out of the forest I mean to be honest I would be scared too. I'm not really mad at them but at the same time I'm mad. Simon had woken up and after that he went down the mountain and noticed that the beast wasn't real. he went to tell everyone that the beast isn't real and then they killed him on an accident.  
Well I'm not really sure how I'm feeling at all I'm a little upset because of the killing of a man and we need all of the men we can get and on the other side I'm happy as well because that's one person that we can not worry about anymore. He was a great person and he didn't deserve it.

After all of this I'm thinking that someone else will die because of this incident. I'm not sure who will die but I have a feeling that maybe someone will get sick and tired of everything that's going wrong and then that person will either get caught and get killed or they will do it on there own.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Ch. 7

Hello everyone, we ended up playing a game and it was awesome. you know I don't always got the chance to go hunt for things like the beast or a boar. It felt really, really good to hunt for once. I feel like this hunting thing can get to you though. We all had to get to the top of the mountain. At first I felt like that we should wait till the morning to climb the mountain so we can hunt the beast and actually see the beast. Us climbing in the dark wasn't a great idea.

Roger and I climbed up the mountain together and for some reason jack took a little longer than we did. When jack got to the mountain he claimed to see the monster and he told us with barely any breath. As soon as we hear him say those words we immediately climb back down the hill to warn everyone else.

What I feel about this is some what scared but in the beginning I was very happy. I'm not really sure what will happen next. I know if we end up knowing that it's a beast then we must protect our self and take cover. My job at that point will be to have people
e take care of this monster.